General Introduction:
Binary Search is the more efficient searching technique compared to Linear Search. The binary search technique only takes 0(log n) times for n number of elements in an array.
However, it only works if the elements in an array are in sorted order( ascending or descending order).
Searching Technique:
Searching Technique:
- The middle of the array of items is calculated as m=(floor(l+r)/2) where l is the initial index of the array, r is the last index of the array.
- The searched item is compared with the element in the middle of the array.
- If a[m]==key, then the search is successful where the key is the searched element.
- If a[m]<key, then the searched element exists in the second half of the array.
- If a[m]>key, then the searched element exists in the first half of the array and is, therefore, is to be searched there only.
Element to be searched( key)= 15.
Here, n=9(counting from 0)
l=0, r=9
Therefore, m=(floor(0+9)/2)=4.
a[m]=a[4]=25 (counting from 0).
Here, a[m]>key: so the element is to be searched in the first half of the array.
The first half of the array : a[]={5,10,15,20}
Element to be searched =15.
Here, n=3(counting from 0)
l=0, r=3
Therefore, m=(floor(0+3)/2)=1
a[m]=a[1]=10 (counting from 0).
Here, a[m]<key: so the element is to be searched is exist in the second half of the array.
The second half of the array: a[]={15,20}
Element to be searched =15.
Here, n=1(counting from 0)
l=0, r=1
Therefore, m=(floor(0+1)/2)=0
a[m]=a[0]=15(counting from 0).
Here, a[m]==key: so the element is to be searched is found in the array.
Code in C:
int binary_search(int[],int,int,int);
int main()
int a[20];
int n;
int key;
int i;
int value; /* to check if the element exist or not*/
printf("How many items you want to insert in the array:");
printf("\nEnter %dth item: ",i+1);
printf("\nEnter the item you want to binary search:");
printf("Element %d exists in the array.",key);
printf("Element %d does not exist in the array.",key);
int binary_search(int a[],int l,int r,int key)
int m;
return 1;
else if(a[m]<key)
return binary_search(a,m+1,r,key);
return binary_search(a,l,m-1,key);
return -1;
Outputs in C:
Do comment if you are confused in any steps.
Also Read: C Program to Find Gcd of Two Numbers using Iterative Euclid’s Algorithm