“The Good Example,” is a short story written by Mexican author Vicente Riva Palacio (1832-1896) and translated from Spanish by Moti Nissani. The story is set in a small village in southern Mexico and revolves around a passionate and well-liked teacher, Don Lucas Forcida, and his pet parrot, Perico. It delves into the topics of gratitude and the power of education, emphasizing the influence that a teacher may have on a student’s life. The narrative serves as a reminder of the value of education and the responsibility of teachers in moulding the next generation’s future.
Literal Comprehension
The story of “The Good Example” takes place in a little community in southern Mexico. Don Lucas Forcida, a dedicated and well-loved teacher, runs a school in the area. School learning is classic and repetitive, with students just repeating the teacher’s words. However, after a few years, Perico, one of the school’s pet parrots, flees and is not seen for several months. Don Lucas discovers, during a journey to a neighboring town, that Perico has become the leader of a group of wild parrots, training them to speak in the same way that Don Lucas had taught him. The story highlights thankfulness and the importance of education.
Don Lucas is first upset by Perico’s departure, but he gradually recovers and returns to the school to teach. His excursion to the next town, on the other hand, brings up memories of Perico and prompts him to reflect on the power of education and how it can transcend the classroom. He also recognizes that Perico’s capacity to educate other parrots, despite his initial reluctance, is a testimonial to Don Lucas’ influence on him.
As Don Lucas rides back home, he can’t help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that the lessons he taught Perico and the love and care he gave him made a lasting impression on the parrot. He also realizes that his role as a teacher is not just to impart knowledge but also to inspire and empower his students to make a positive impact in the world.
The story concludes with Don Lucas returning to the village and to his school with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to his students and a newfound appreciation for the power of education and the impact it can have on the lives of those who receive it.
Critical Thinking
The Good Example is a narrative on the importance of education and compassion. The plot revolves around Don Lucas Forcida, a diligent and well-liked teacher who runs a school in a rural village in southern Mexico. School learning is traditional and boring, with students repeating the teacher’s words. However, after several years, one of the school’s pet parrots, Perico, flies away and is not seen again for several months.
The storyline is a metaphor for the impact a teacher may have on a student’s life and the potential of education to transcend the classroom. The fact that Perico was able to become a leader and teach other parrots despite his initial ingratitude is a testimonial to the influence Don Lucas had on him. The narrative focuses on the importance of respect and how expressing gratitude for the good impact a teacher has on a student’s life can be encouraging and uplifting.
The story also shows the value of education and how it may have a long-term impact on people’s lives. It has the potential to enable them to make a positive difference in the world. It serves as a reminder that education is about motivating and equipping students to make a difference, not just teaching knowledge.
It may be considered that the novel is a critique of the author’s traditional and boring method of teaching in rural Mexico. The narrative demonstrates that standard teaching methods do not produce creative and autonomous thinkers.
The Good Example is a compelling story that emphasizes the significance of gratitude, education, and the influence that a teacher can have on the life of a student. It serves as a reminder that education is about motivating and equipping students to have a positive effect in the world, not just teaching knowledge.
The Good Example is a story that can be applied to real-life situations by highlighting the value of gratitude and the transformative potential of education. This narrative can inspire teachers to be more focused and passionate about their work and to always remember the impact they can have on the lives of their students. Teachers can also be reminded that education is about motivating and equipping students to have a positive effect in the world, not just delivering knowledge.
The story can also be used in the classroom to urge students to be grateful for their education and to recognize the impact that their mentors make on their lives. It can be used to initiate talks about the value of education and the role of teachers in changing students’ lives.
Furthermore, this story can be utilized to remind society of the importance of teachers in influencing the destiny of the next generation. It can also serve as a reminder to policymakers to invest in education and provide teachers with the resources and support they require to be effective in their roles.
Overall, The Good Example is a story that can be applied to many different facets of life; it can be used as inspiration, a conversation tool, and a reminder of the value of gratitude, education, and the responsibility of teachers in shaping the future of the next generation.