Women’s Business Summary And Important Questions

Women’s Business

-Ilene Kantrov

Women’s Business Summary

The essay “Women’s Business” was written by an American writer Ilene Kantrov. In this essay, the writer portrays a picture of a pioneering businesswoman of the USA Lydia E. Pinkham and describes several other business women of the following century who tried to follow the footsteps of Lydia E. Pinkham.

Lydia E. Pinkham was the pioneering businesswoman of America who produced herbal medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and advertised it in a newspaper in 1879. She claimed that her product to be the greatest remedy in the world for all types of female weaknesses. She used her image as a kind woman to promote your business.

She tried to introduce social activism into her marketing efforts. She claimed that she was offering something more to her customers and society besides her product. She also claimed to support women’s rights, fiscal reform, and temperance. Along with her products, she offered her customers some suggestion for diet exercise and hygiene. Because of her gold marketing strategy and social activism she was able to establish herself as a model in the world of American business.

The businesswoman of the following century tried to follow the footsteps of Lydia E. Pinkham in many ways though they departed away from her model in some respects. The businesswomen like Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden promoted their business of cosmetics, hairstyling and readymade clothes using the image of a glamorous socialite.

Two other businesswomen Margaret Rudkin and Jennie Grossinger ran an incorporation and resort hotel. Jennie Grossinger used her image as a grandmother to prosper her business of resort hotel.

Another businesswoman, Gertrude Muller invented “Toildey Seat” besides writing booklets on the progressive philosophy of child-rearing. The last businesswoman included in the essay was Annie Turnbo-Malone, who established “Poro College of hairstyling”. She also claimed to uplift the economic condition of black women.

All the businesswomen after Lydia E. Pinkham tried to carry on their business and social services side by side but they were not as successful as their model. The business of all of these businesswomen grew out of the traditional skills and catered to the needs of the women.

They understood the taste of women and went on producing the goods to match their taste. Some of the businesswomen like Annie Turnbo-Malone, Helena Rubinstein and Jennie Grossinger were both philanthropists as well as business executives. The advertising claims of some of this businesswoman were extravagant, even misleading. Some of this businesswoman though they claimed to be social activities were found practising the business against the ethics of the social service. For example, a Businesswoman who supported temperance was selling a product containing a high level of alcohol and another businesswoman, Jennie Grossinger was also against the sale of alcohol, was selling alcohol in her hotel.

Some Important Questions and Answers from “Women’s Business”

Justify the title “Women’s Business”. [2075 C]

Answer. The writer of the essay, Ilene Kantrov, presents the business strategies of women in “Women’s Business”. The author tries to portray a picture of a pioneering businesswoman of the USA Lydia E. Pinkham and describes several other businesswomen and their works. Lyndia E. Pinkham was one of the successful businesswomen in America. She developed her business for social welfare, especially for women than the other businesswomen like Margaret Rudkin, Jennie Grossinger, Elizabeth Arden. Helena Rubinstein, Annie- Turnbo-Malone, etc. These female entrepreneurs were always ladies first in America. They all contributed a lot in business and got success more than their male counterparts. (Dhamala & Paudel, 2019)

What strategy did Lydia E Pinkham use to grow her business? [2072 C]

Answer. Lydia E Pinkham, a pioneer and successful businesswoman in America practised some strategies to grow and expand her business. She advertised and marketed her business through the newspaper in 1879. She decided to inject social activism into her marketing attempts. She insisted that she was offering something more to her customers and community besides her product. She nourished females, advertised her home product medicine, gave service and suggestions to females about their physical problems, infertility, nervousness, hysteria and even women right and marital conflict. She produced not only useful things for women like cosmetics but she also gave practical suggestions to her customers on diet, exercise and hygiene as her strategy to raise her business. In this way, she was able to establish herself as a model in the American women business scene.

How did Pinkham act as a saviour of her sex? Explain.

Answer. Pinkham as a businesswoman and a social worker acted as a saviour of her sex because while doing business, she produced things like medicine and diet beneficial for the women. She introduced useful tricks and information with her product to solve the problems related to the physical and psychological concerns and problems of the women. She completely served the women in a complete manner. She tried to save and promote womanness for all. Her recommendations and products really became useful for all. She was a successful and influential businesswoman in American markets.

What is the main idea of the essay, “Women’s Business”.


“Women’s Business” portrays the picture of some successful businesswomen from the USA, who used their marketing skills and social welfare to gain business success.

These business women’s production and business helped many people in different ways. Businesswomen were involved in producing some useful things for women like medicine and cosmetics. They provided not only useful things to women but also advised and helped to cure the problems of women like nervousness, hysteria, barrenness, and other female problems. In America businesswomen like Lydia E. Pinkham, Elizabeth, Jenny Grossinger were very much successful and they could earn a lot of money by selling their products due to the means of advertisements, suggestion and inspiration to use their products. So, in conclusion, the essay Women’s Business expresses that even women can do as good business as men can and they get success in business with the help of influential marketing and other strategies like social welfare.

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Dhamala, B. P., & Paudel, R. P. (2019). NEB Chapter-Wise Questions-0Answers Compulsory English-II (9th Edition Revised ed.). Neema Publication.


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